Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 24, 2008

Fall Festival
Emily's school hosted a Fall Festival. It was so cute to see all of her little friends dressed up. She was so excited to be at school and bring mom and dad. She participated in all of the activities. We bowled, went fishing, picked a duck out of the pond, did a bean bag toss, pinned a nose on the pumpkin, and did the cake walk (she won after 4 times.) She got lots of candy in her bucket she helped mom make. It was perfect for kids her age. The only part she didn't understand was why Lily was taking her cake?!? It was one of the first gone.

October 23, 2008

Trick or Trunk!!
My school sponsored an event called "Trick or Trunk." Emily came with me and helped us hand out candy. She also got to see her friends the lost sheep! They are so cute. Emily was the cutest little bumble bee!! Bzzzzz

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 22, 2008

Betty Crocker watch out!!
Emily helped me make a cake for the Fall Festival at her preschool. They are having a cake walk. Emily is a little confused as to why we are taking a cake to her school. She thinks they are going to have a birthday party for her. I reminded her that her birthday is not for a couple of months!

October 21, 2008

Countdown to Halloween...
I made the tutu for Emily's costume this evening. She tried it on and twirled around. She loves it!!

October 19,2008

Nice Tree!
Emily shows off her leggo tree that she made!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October 19, 2008

I am sure there will be many wonderful posts to follow in the next few weeks. There is a lot going on this time of year. It is very busy, yet very fun. I have been in bed the last few days recovering from the stomach bug that first attacked Emily last weekend. Andy is happily waiting his turn. Emily was hanging out with Daddy this weekend so I got a few pics of them hanging out on the couch, eating chips, and watching TV. Like daddy, like daughter!!When they are in that mode there is no talking to either one of them.
Emily makes sure she charges everyone for everything on her princess cash register. She has turned our house into the "Princess Boutique." If you call far enough in advance she takes reservations to stay in the Princess Palace. For references you can speak with Grandma and Grandpa Carter. They stayed last weekend. Heads up Grandma and Grandmpa, Your bill will be mailed shortly. She might give you 10% off your next visit due to the vomit in the bathroom she shared with you. Not sure yet...will get back to you.

Monday, October 13, 2008

October 13, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Carter came to visit. What an exciting time! Emily went from feeling fine one minute to holding the back of her head and crying that it hurt so badly while vomiting a lot! She was so out of it and dehydrated. We ended up in the Children's Hospital Emergency room on Saturday. They completed a battery of tests on her including a CAT scan and blood work. She got an IV, anti-nausea medicine, and fluids. What a horrible experience for us. Holding her down while they were inserting her IV was a pretty traumatic event that I don't want to have to repeat again. Luckily all the tests came back normal and they sent her home after she got fluids and was acting normal again. She even commented that the hospital was a "fun place," as we were leaving. Wow?!? I don't really understand the thinking of a two year old! When we got home Emily was fine and it was like it never happened. On Monday we went to the farm. We saw all kinds of animals. Emmy's favorite was the baby goats. They were smaller than she was. We went on a Hay Rack ride and picked out a pumpkin at the end. Overall we had lots of fun with grandma and grandpa! We are so glad they came!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 8, 2008

Backpack! Backpack!
If you have spent any time at all watching Dora the Explorer you know how great a backpack is! Emily spotted this Dora backpack a couple of weeks ago and put it on her "wish list," for Christmas. Santa needed to get her backpack early this year since it was on clearance! I decided that Emily was old enough to get herself out of my car by herself today. I unbuckled her seatbelt and told her to crawl out, I then walked to the front door. When I decided it was taking too long for her to get out, I went back to check on her. She was hanging over the back seat of my car pointing at the backpack. I tried the distraction technique with no luck. I told her I needed help getting the mail, even told her that she got some mail. No luck. She kept saying "my stuff is back there mom, open the back!" That is how Emily got her new Dora backpack. She thinks mommy was just nice and decided to pick it up for her. But I guess it all turned out okay after I saw how happy and excited she was. She has been loading up books and wheeling them around the house for hours now. Andy says she is an engineer student in training with all of those books in it. I think the bag is heavier than her. She even wobbles at times.