Saturday, January 22, 2011

December 16, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Molly!
Molly finally made it to one! We went out to dinner at a place with Molly's two favorite things: balloons and french fries! She practiced tearing wrapping paper with a magazine before opening her presents.

December 12, 2010

Christmas Card Outtakes!
It was pretty difficult getting a good picture of the girls for a Christmas Card this year. My mom suggested going somewhere and having their picture taken. My reply was "Do they have some magic potion that will make my girls smile nicely and hold still at the same moment the camera takes the photo?" Not only would they not hold still and smile for them, but they would charge me for the bad pictures as well. Mine were free! The funniest were when Andy came home from work and both the girls were waving wildly at him!!! Fun times. Well the final product turned out as well as expected with two little ones!

December 7, 2010

A day home with Molly! She already enjoys looking at books.

November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving with Aunt Katy and Uncle Chris! We celebrated Thanksgiving and Aunt Katy and Uncle Chris gave Molly her birthday presents early since they wouldn't see her again until Christmas. A Double Celebration!

November 24, 2010

Our house has lots of trees which means lots of leaves to rake. With the new found leaves Emily has new found fun!! Andy and Emily had fun raking and jumping in the leaves.

November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving at Aunt Cindy's.
Now that we live in town we can attend all of the celebrations our family has. We got to celebrate Thanksgiving twice.

October 31, 2010

There were lots of activities going on around Halloween, so I included all of the pictures on one post. We went to a trick or trunk at the church by our house. The kids had a lot of fun and got lots of prizes and candy. Emily was a little scared of some of the scary trunks but we survived the night. On Halloween Emily went out trick or treating with Andy. It was pretty cool so they stayed pretty close to home. When they got back home Emily helped me hand out candy. Emily got treated this year!!

October 26, 2010

Emily went to the pumpkin patch with her preschool. She went on a train ride, a hay rack ride, got to play in the haystacks, and got to pick out a pumpkin to bring home. She had a lot of fun and dressed in her Halloween shirt for the occasion.