If you don't have anything to teeth on just pull the curtain rod down and chomp away! Molly thought she was quite resourceful using the curtain rod as a teething toy! Also anyone who had been in my classroom in Arlington and commented on how much they liked the black and white photo of Emily in her white hat will appreciate the other two pictures. I tried to recreate this photo with Molly. It didn't work out well at all. She kept crawling away and wouldn't stay in one spot. I think I did that photo with Emily when she was younger than Molly is now. Right before I gave up Molly banged her head against the bed and I got a great pouting/sad face=( I told Andy this one was going in her yearbook!
Funny how different they are huh? Camryn would "cheese" for me all day and night...Cailyn? Yells "NO!" and runs away with a frown.
They are so beautiful and we miss you guys! Hugs to all the Balauns!
Yep - that hat picture was my favorite of Emmie. Molly wears it well too. :)
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